Melbourne’s Metropolitan Waste Strategy Launched

Anthony Carbines, VIC Parliamentary Secretary for Environment
Victoria’s Parliamentary Secretary for Environment Anthony Carbines is inviting Melburnians to have their say on planning for Melbourne’s future waste and recycling infrastructure needs after the release of the draft Metropolitan Waste and Resource Recovery Implementation Plan.

The Metropolitan Waste and Resource Recovery Group (MWRRG) released the draft plan on Monday 16 November, which underpins the aims of the Statewide Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan (SWRRIP). It sets out how metropolitan Melbourne’s waste and resource recovery needs will be met over the next 10 years and beyond.

The draft Plan proposes 10 “priority actions”, which are intended to help reduce the city’s reliance on landfills and increase the amount of resource recovery from waste as the population grows.

These priority actions include:

  • Increasing recycling by consolidating waste from councils across Melbourne;
  • Providing industry with the opportunity to invest in new technologies to divert waste from landfill
  • Improve education around waste and recycling, as well as increasing the recovery of food and garden waste, which currently causes odour and leachate issues in landfill.

Commenting on the launch of the draft plan, Anthony Carbines said: “This plan will reduce our reliance on landfill by looking at new ways to prevent waste going to the tip, such as through education and recovering things that are still useful.”

“We all have a role in the creation and management of waste, so it’s important we listen to community, local government and industry when planning our future waste management needs.”

More information about the draft plan and the public consultation is on the MWRRG website.

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