
Smartsensor by Solar Bins Australia uses technology to help waste managers overcome environmental damage, poor user experience, and ever-increasing operational costs.

The company developed a sensor and software management platform that enables waste managers to gain a bird’s-eye view of their waste network, monitor the fullness of their rubbish bins and report clearly and accurately in real-time. The sensor device, which is attached to the inside of a rubbish bin or waste container, transmits data on the fullness of the bins, temperature of the container, the stability of the container and its location. This provides waste collection companies with an eye into each of their containers so they know exactly which bins are ready to be emptied and when.

The system includes a dedicated rubbish bin monitoring app and dashboard to map, monitor and maintain every bin and waste management asset deployed within the user’s region.

Using the power of ultrasonic sensors, 3G, LoRA or Sigfox communication, dynamic dashboards, fullness level alerts, routing and predictive collection, Smartsensor has been created to provide users with deep insights to every rubbish bin deployed in an area, town or city.

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