Converting plastics to jet fuel

Washington State University researchers have developed a method of converting recyclable plastics to ingredients for jet fuel, as well as other valuable products.

Researches throughout the trial were able to convert 90 per cent of plastics to jet fuel and other hydrocarbon products.

Graduate students Chuhua Jia and Hongfei Lin led the trial, with Lin saying the trial demonstrated the future ability to convert waste products.

“In the recycling industry, the cost of recycling is key,” Lin said.

“This work is a milestone for us to advance this new technology to commercialisation.”

Utilising waste materials to create products provides great relief for the environment, as well as reduce levels of waste in landfill.

In their research Washington State University researchers were able to convert waste materials, a common by-product of the melting and redistribution of plastics is the reduction of the products quality.

Jia said he was surprised to see just how well the recycled plastics were able to be re-utilised.

“Before the experiment, we only speculated but didn’t know if it would work,” he said.

“The result was so good.”

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