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Maxon Machinery

Lakeview St

Boolaroo, NSW

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Title CME FU-1
Type Engineering - Fabrication
Sub Type Milling Machines
Make CME
Model FU-1
Sale Price $9,350
Listing Type Used
Stock Number 2756
RefCode TA1191671


Universal CME FU-1, table 1100 mm x 240 mm, travels X - 750 mm, Y - 240 mm, Z - 420 mm, feeds & rapids, 40 int spindle, speeds 45-1800 rpm (9 off). Vertical head, universal head, slotting head, dividing head with tail stock, vice, arbour supports & arbour. Operator's manual. 4 HP motor, 415 volt. Machine weight 1400 kgs Ex Govt