Nedlands Waste Minimisation Strategy ‘on track’

The City of Nedlands is on track to divert 65 per cent of all waste from landfill by 2020, after its latest Waste Minimisation Strategy was approved by Council.

City of Nedlands Mayor Max Hipkins, second from left, with Year 6 Dalkeith Primary School students Eloise O’Clery, Max Yee and Sophie Laurance at Nedlands foreshore for Clean Up Australia Day activities.

It follows a 10-week community consultation period that found people were mainly supportive of the strategy with only very minor amendments suggested.

The Waste Minimisation Strategy 2017-2020 will guide the City, with the support of the community, in its efforts improve the diversion of waste over the next four years. 

Methods of improving waste diversion will focus on:

  • Exploring the practicality of co-mingling food scraps with green waste.
  • Combinations of waste bins and collection processes.
  • Recycling construction and demolition waste.
  • Working with schools through education and information.
  • Reducing the amount of the illegal dumping.
  • Researching new technologies that could produce energy from waste.
  • Enhancing the management of commercial waste.

City of Nedlands Mayor Max Hipkins said the strategy would help to provide an integrated approach to waste prevention.

“We will be working with the community, industry and other local governments to develop common ground on waste management, wherever practical,” he said. 

“The City has already hit the ground running with a 91 per cent recovery from verge collections under its latest contract, compared to the previous best of 51 per cent.

“For the strategy to succeed, it will be important for the City and community to work together to ensure waste materials are thought of in terms of a resource to be recovered, reused and recycled wherever possible.”

Mayor Hipkins thanked the community for their responses and said they would be included as part of the strategy’s implementation.

Read the original profile piece here.

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