NSW waste facility fined for dust-related offence

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA NSW) has fined a licensed waste facility in Sydney’s western suburbs $15,000 for poor dust management practices.

EPA NSW officers had responding to concerns raised by the general public through its 24-hour Environment Line about the waste facility located at Miller Road in Chester Hill on 7 April. On inspection, they witnessed activities at the facility causing dust to leave the site, possibly impacting their neighbours.

The fine for $15,000 was issued to Proactive Management Systems Pty Ltd for breaching of its environment protection licence in relation to section 64 of the Act, as it  had failed to prevent dust being generated and migrating off the facility.

EPA NSW Senior Manager for Waste Compliance Chris McElwain said: “The EPA conducted an enforcement campaign in late 2015 to remind waste operators of the need to prevent dust from leaving their sites.

“As part of that campaign, Proactive Management Systems was issued an official caution arising out of an inspection on 26 November 2015 in relation to its dust controls, so it is disappointing the EPA has now had to take further action at the site.”

More information about the EPA NSW’s regulatory tools is available on the Compliance Policy section of its website.

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