Supporting Australia’s battery recycling industry

The Australian Landscape for Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling and Reuse in 2020 report has been released, detailing the importance of continual growth in the industry.

The study worked with the CSIRO, as well as stakeholder surveys to identify 18 opportunities for the industry to grow and improve.

Australia recycles around 98 per cent of lead acid batteries, in comparison only 10 per cent of lithium-ion batteries are recycled.

The report aims to reverse this trend in what is a growing product, says the reports lead author Dr Anand Bhatt.

“The demand for lithium-ion batteries is increasing globally, fuelled by the increasing electrification of transport and the renewable energy generation storage sector,” Bhatt said.

As demand grows for lithium-ion batteries, so does the level of battery waste.

The report specifically highlights a number of possible solutions, to try and reduce the level of battery waste in households and also in landfill.

These opportunities include:

• Extending National Product Stewardship for all batteries and assistance for State Governments to establish harmonised regulations.

• Addressing the risks associated with transporting and storing batteries.

• An increase in consumer collection facilities and improve locations to provide greater convenience to boost collection rates.

• Greater research into developing end markets for the recovered battery materials for use in alternative industries.

These opportunities hope to create new jobs in the industry as well as increase the capability for recycling lithium-ion batteries.

The full report can be read here.

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